Venezuela's disinformation war: Roy Carson counterattacks
By Aleksander Boyd
London 08.01.05 | The editor of Vheadline, Roy Carson, has take it upon himself to 'dismantle the disinformation war' that according to him, me and fellow bloggers are waging against the democratically elected neofascist Hugo Chavez. Since he has repeatedly accused me of being a terrorist, I got in touch with the anti-terrorist unit of Scotland Yard to inform them about the allegations to which they reply something along the lines of "Sir, there's very little we can do against internet lunatics I'm affraid..." Fair enough, then I was advised that Carson had published my personal contact details in his website. So I denounce the issue with the office of the UK's Information Commissioner for Carson purportedly lives near London. The Information Commissioner's office suggested for me to get in touch with Carson and his host provider to kindly request them to remove said data from, which I did. Fortunately the owner of the company that hosts is a very kind and sensible person, who immediately sympathised with my claim and asked Carson to remove my personal contact details from his site. What follows is email exchanges between myself, Roy Carson and his alter ego Carlos Herrera [they seem to write from the same email address].
Original Message:
From: Aleksander Boyd
Date: Friday, 07 Jan 2005 13:57:59 +0000
To: Roy Carson [], Carlos Herrera
Subject: Contact details on your website
Dear Mr Carson,
I have been advised that you have published on your website an article by Mr. Carlos Herrera, which contains my telephone numbers and contact details. As you are the editor and publisher of Vheadline, I respectfully request for said data to be removed immediately from your website for I have not given Mr Herrera permission to publish my contact details.
After finding out with the UK Information Commissioner's office I learned that publication of personal data, without express consent of the person in question, is prohibited according to the Data Protection Act. As such I expect for these personal details to be removed from your website at once.
Yours faithfully,
Aleksander Boyd
From: Roy Carson []
Reply to: Carlos Herrera []
Date: Saturday, 08 Jan 2005 11:46
To: Aleksander Boyd
Subject: Re : Contact details on your website
Boyd - si ustedes piensan que van a "ganar" esta guerra de disinformación, están muy equivocadon.
Además, yo pienso seguir presionando a las autoridades británicas para que tomen medidas contra el terrorismo tuyo en internet.
Una cosa es la libertad de expresión de personas enfermizas, otra es amenazar y llamar a la violencia como en tu artículo del 2 de Noviembre.
Carlos Herrera
Roy - FYI, I have established some new contacts in the UK, currently with me in Venezuela, who will take up this cause against Aleksander Boyd ACTIVELY in the near future from the UK itself, as they do not believe that these sort of antics by Boyd should be allowed on a web site based in the UK. I'll keep the pressure up on all the people I mentioned in my aricle, here as well.
From: Aleksander Boyd
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 17:51 PM
To: Carlos Herrera []
Subject: Re: Contact details on your website
[Va sin acentos]
Roy, gracias por tu mensaje y por haber removido mis detalles de contacto de
tu website, aunque se que no fue por motus propio sino por presion de
Octavio, con quien mantuve tres agradables y cordialisimas conversaciones el
dia de ayer. No se a quien te refieres con "ustedes", aunque te cueste
creerlo yo actuo por cuenta propia, nadie me financia y nadie controla mis
patrones de conducta. A diferencia tuya, yo si poseo pruebas de mis alegatos
y creeme que me ello me produce un gran placer.
No estoy conduciendo ninguna 'guerra' ni desinformando, eso se lo dejo a tu
patron, aquellos de su calaña y a ti. En cuanto a terrorismo, no es en eso
en lo que el invitado 'bolivariano' Rodrigo Granda andaba inmiscuido en
Tus amenazas me tienen enteramente sin cuidado, te lo dije publicamente ya
en una oportunidad, escoge la corte donde nos vamos a entrompar legalmente
ya que desde luego sera un placer y un honor someter, a ti y a tus
'abogados', a la humillacion publica de tener que explicar algunos asuntos
que permanecen totalmente ocultos al publico ingles.
La libertad de expresion es una cosa muy preciada, concepto que obviamente
escapa a tu limitado intelecto. Desgraciadamente para ti y tu Fidelito, yo
vivo en Londres y no en Caracas, donde de seguro ya algun perrote
gubernamental me habria honrado con su visita. Me agrada saber que dedicas
tu tiempo al establecimiento de contactos con las autoridades de este pais
para que tomen activamente causa legal en mi contra (debo ocupar un lugar
privilegiado en tu vida), especialmente en momentos en los cuales tu heroe
acaba de enviar a sus hordas a invadir el hato El Charcote.
Por favor sientete con toda libertad de mantenerme informado sobre tus
avances judiciales en mi contra y de publicar en tu tabloide electronico
nuestros intercambios.
Recibe el mas cordial de los saludos,
PD: tu escritura en castellano es bastante deficiente, como que te sale
Mision Robinson?
Aleksander Boyd
End of messagesI will not translate the whole thing, apologies to the language impaired, suffice to say that Vheadline and its editor Roy Carson would love to silence me and curtail my activities. I already told him in a previous article that it would be a great pleasure and an honour to meet him, and his 'legal team' in a court of law in the free world. Carson has also tried to undermine the credibility of Daniel Duquenal, Gustavo Coronel, Miguel Octavio and A.M. Mora y Leon. His attitude is the best example of how the regime, that he so feverishly defends, would like to deal with those who bring to light its gross human rights violations, links to terrorism and unconstitutional nature. The rants of Carson in his e-tabloid publication are not going to scare me, he's going to need a bit more than that.
Also curious the choice of words utilised by Carson; "guerra, terrorismo..." where have we heard those terms before? Isn't "terrorismo" what occupied the time of FARC Bolivarian partner [captured in Caracas] Rodrigo Granda? How could one describe the activities of that other protegé of Hugo Chavez, Wladimiro Montesinos?
To conclude an invitation to Carson: put up or shut up!
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