Breaking News: Venezuela’s Recall fraud has been unveiled
By Aleksander Boyd
London 17 August 2004 – 20:33GMT – Political consultant J.J. Rendon presented irrefutable proof of the electoral fraud performed during the recall referendum in Venezuela. In Bolivar state something suspicious took place; say voting centre X has 3.000 people in the roll. Said centre has three polling booths: in number 1, 1.100 people must vote; in number 2, 1.000; and in number 3, 900 people. Tallies from booth number 1 showed 683 votes for the NO option and 103 votes for the YES option. Tallies from booth number 2 resulted in 587 votes for the NO option and 103 votes for the YES option. Tallies from booth number 3 evidenced 519 votes for the NO option and again 103 for the YES option.
Electoral officials assigned to said centre thought it was extremely unlikely to get such repetitive number of votes for the YES option. So they got in touch with other centres in the area. It turned out that tallies from other centres showed the same pattern, although diverging numbers, i.e. tallies from machines at Y voting centre showed the same consistency for instance 133 votes for the YES option repeated four times. Statistically speaking it is almost impossible for such a pattern to occur. However similar cases have been reported in Merida, Bolivar, Miranda and Anzoategui.
Naively the electoral officials from some centres in Bolivar state compared the tallies from contiguous voting machines realising that the YES option seemed to have been capped at a given number. In one case it was 103 votes for the YES option in three different voting machines; in another it was 133 votes for the YES option in four different voting machines.
Here is a more concrete example:
Municipio MP. SUCRE
Total Votantes 1796
Cantidad de Votos 1389
Total SI 1065
Total NO 324
Cuaderno 1
Votos 463
SI 356
NO 107
Cuaderno 2
Votos 454
Si 353
No 101
Cuaderno 3
Votos 472
SI 356
No 116
The only way in which these doubts can be cleared is:
1. To compare and contrast tallies of each polling centre in the country where more than one voting machine were utilised to establish whether the numbers of YES votes show a repetitive pattern;
2. To add the receipts of each options (YES / NO) issued by the voting machine and compare the results with the numbers reported in the tallies.
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