Eva Golinger sends fan mailBy Aleksander BoydLondon 29.03.05 | Last Friday (25.03.05) I received this message from Eva Golinger: Mr. Boyd: I respectfully request you now cease and desist your persistent publications defaming my name, although I know that you will not because you are nothing more than a lowlife resentful individual. First of all, I am in the process of re-doing MY webpage entirely, which is why things are being moved around. Second of all, I have always paid for the website, not Jeremy, though he initially registered it. We have moved it to my name because it is my responsibility. Third, the Venezuela Solidarity Committee, a registered NON-PROFIT in the State of New York, with ALL ITS PAPERWORK IN ORDER, has not be active for more than one year, has not received any donations during that period and is currently in a process of dissolution because I no longer desire to have a non-profit organization that I do not have time to manage. Precisely for that reason, references to its existence have been taken down. It has nothing to do with your endless ridiculous ranting, but rather my own busy schedule. Fourth, I have never violated ANY law. As I told you before - you must be very dense because you can't seem to understand - any legal work I did in the State of New York before obtaining my New York license was under the authority of a supervising attorney. Read the regulations well, since you seem to like doing so, and you will see that law graduates - lawyers - can do legal work under the authority of a supervising attorney. Fifth, I am a Firm Member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, though membership is voluntary. I am a member of the New York Bar Association, the New York Women's Bar Association, the Brooklyn Women's Bar Association, the New York County Lawyer's Association and so on. Just because you have nothing to show for yourself in life, not even a decent job or profession, does not mean that everyone else is as inept as you. Finally, after all your time spent harrassing and threatening me, you have proved yourself to me a despicable, disgusting individual. I feel sorry for your children for having such a rotten, resentful, angry father. Eva Golinger This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please return it to sender and discard the message immediately. End of message I shall address only relevant points: - Third, the Venezuela Solidarity Committee, a registered NON-PROFIT in the State of New York, with ALL ITS PAPERWORK IN ORDER... All its paperwork in order? How come the registrant and acting director of a registered non-profit in the State of New York claims publicly for over a year to have a tax status not granted by the IRS? - Fourth, I have never violated ANY law. As I told you before - you must be very dense because you can't seem to understand - any legal work I did in the State of New York before obtaining my New York license was under the authority of a supervising attorney. New York State Consolidated Laws: Judiciary, ARTICLE 15 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS [1] S 478. Practicing or appearing as attorney-at-law without being admitted and registered. It shall be unlawful for any natural person to practice or appear as an attorney-at-law or as an attorney and counselor-at-law for a person other than himself in a court of record in this state, or to furnish attorneys or counsel or an attorney and counsel to render legal services, or to hold himself out to the public as being entitled to practice law as aforesaid, or in any other manner, or to assume to be an attorney or counselor-at-law, or to assume, use, or advertise the title of lawyer, or attorney and counselor-at-law, or attorney-at-law or counselor-at-law, or attorney, or counselor, or attorney and counselor, or equivalent terms in any language, in such manner as to convey the impression that he is a legal practitioner of law or in any manner to advertise that he either alone or together with any other persons or person has, owns, conducts or maintains a law office or law and collection office, or office of any kind for the practice of law, without having first been duly and regularly licensed and admitted to practice law in the courts of record of this state, and without having taken the constitutional oath. Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be held to apply (1) to officers of societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, duly appointed, when exercising the special powers conferred upon such corporations under section fourteen hundred three of the not-for-profit corporation law; or (2) to law students who have completed at least two semesters of law school or persons who have graduated from a law school, who have taken the examination for admittance to practice law in the courts of record in the state immediately available after graduation from law school, or the examination immediately available after being notified by the board of law examiners that they failed to pass said exam, and who have not been notified by the board of law examiners that they have failed to pass two such examinations, acting under the supervision of a legal aid organization when such students and persons are acting under a program approved by the appellate division of the supreme court of the department in which the principal office of such organization is located and specifying the extent to which such students and persons may engage in activities otherwise prohibited by this statute; or (3) to law students who have completed at least two semesters of law school, or to persons who have graduated from a law school approved pursuant to the rules of the court of appeals for the admission of attorneys and counselors-at-law and who have taken the examination for admission to practice as an attorney and counselor-at-law immediately available after graduation from law school or the examination immediately available after being notified by the board of law examiners that they failed to pass said exam, and who have not been notified by the board of law examiners that they have failed to pass two such examinations, when such students or persons are acting under the supervision of the state or a subdivision thereof or of any officer or agency of the state or a subdivision thereof, pursuant to a program approved by the appellate division of the supreme court of the department within which such activities are taking place and specifying the extent to which they may engage in activities otherwise prohibited by this statute and those powers of the supervising governmental entity or officer in connection with which they may engage in such activities. S 484. None but attorneys to practice in the state. No natural person shall ask or receive, directly or indirectly, compensation for appearing for a person other than himself as attorney in any court or before any magistrate, or for preparing deeds, mortgages, assignments, discharges, leases or any other instruments affecting real estate, wills, codicils, or any other instrument affecting the disposition of property after death, or decedents` estates, or pleadings of any kind in any action brought before any court of record in this state, or make it a business to practice for another as an attorney in any court or before any magistrate unless he has been regularly admitted to practice, as an attorney or counselor, in the courts of record in the state; but nothing in this section shall apply (1) to officers of societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, duly appointed, when exercising the special powers conferred upon such corporations under section fourteen hundred three of the not-for-profit corporation law; or (2) to law students who have completed at least two semesters of law school or persons who have graduated from a law school, who have taken the examination for admittance to practice law in the courts of record in the state immediately available after graduation from law school, or the examination immediately available after being notified by the board of law examiners that they failed to pass said exam, and who have not been notified by the board of law examiners that they have failed to pass two such examinations, acting under the supervision of a legal aid organization, when such students and persons are acting under a program approved by the appellate division of the supreme court of the department in which the principal office of such organization is located and specifying the extent to which such students and persons may engage in activities prohibited by this statute; or (3) to persons who have graduated from a law school approved pursuant to the rules of the court of appeals for the admission of attorneys and counselors-at-law and who have taken the examination for admission to practice as an attorney and counselor-at-law immediately available after graduation from law school or the examination immediately available after being notified by the board of law examiners that they failed to pass said exam, and who have not been notified by the board of law examiners that they have failed to pass two such examinations, when such persons are acting under the supervision of the state or a subdivision thereof or of any officer or agency of the state or a subdivision thereof, pursuant to a program approved by the appellate division of the supreme court of the department within which such activities are taking place and specifying the extent to which they may engage in activities otherwise prohibited by this statute and those powers of the supervising governmental entity or officer in connection with which they may engage in such activities. Questions: where did Golinger did her legal work for the Venezuela Information Office (VIO) back in 2003, in New York or in Washington? Minister Andres Izarra seems to think that it was performed in Washington. In any case who was the supervising attorney? - Fifth, I am a Firm Member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association... Yet Diane Kolbe from the American Immigration Lawyers Association wrote in regards to a query about Golinger's membership to the said association: Eva Golinger is not a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). There is a woman named Eve Golinger of New York, NY who attended a couple of our conferences as a law student back in 2002, however, she never joined AILA, and we currently have no members with the last name Golinger. (sic) - I am a member of the New York Bar Association Indeed, admitted in 2005 [2] according to the New York State Attorney Directory. Thus my claim that Golinger provided legal counsel to the VIO (2003), reinforced by the late statements of Venezuela's Minister of Information Andres Izarra, when in fact she was not a registered attorney is confirmed. - This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please return it to sender and discard the message immediately. Yet Golinger sent it to his pals at Axis of Logic, who published an article riddled with false and unsubstantiated accusations the very next day (Mar 26, 2005). - Finally, after all your time spent harrassing and threatening me, you have proved yourself to me a despicable, disgusting individual. I feel sorry for your children for having such a rotten, resentful, angry father. Does the provision of factual information constitute threats and harrasment? Is said provision of information the reason that prompted assemblymen from Hugo Chavez' party to pass the Gag Law and ammend the Penal Code in Venezuela? Golinger calls herself a lawyer yet he dares to write that she feels sorry for my children "for having such a rotten, resentful, angry father". I once told Golinger that the information were to stay and that there would be more to come. Quite obviously Golinger thinks that my promises are as hollow as that of his idol. Think again. I also told her to pick the court in which she was going to present a "defamation" case against me. Every single article I have written denouncing the shady connections of Golinger and her penchant for distorting the truth have been supported with relevant evidence. Contrary to the practices of the communist regime she so feverishly defends, I do take very seriously the allegations I make in public. One thing is certain; Hugo Chavez and his sycophants would be best advised in taking premises of honourable men seriously. To conclude; I challenge the Venezuelan apparatus, get help from the Cuban if needed, to produce one single piece of evidence of the US or the opposition financing my activities. Put up or shut up. © by Vcrisis.com & the author |