Letter to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the IRS re Eva GolingerFebruary 17, 2005 Dear Sirs: Based on public information obtained from the internet and a letter from the Internal Revenue Service responding to my request, I present the following for your consideration: 2 POINTS 1) I want to call your attention on a New York corporation that could be misleading the public. It is taking tax deductible donations claiming to be under 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, but for which the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) seems to have no record of this condition. Corporation Name: VENEZUELA SOLIDARITY COMMITTEE IN NEW YORK Venezuela Solidarity Committee in NY 212-6967287 or at vscny@yahoo.com and vscny@hotmail.com 2) Also, there is an individual who could or could not be related to this situation. Name of Individual: JEREMY BIGWOOD MY OBSERVATIONS Regarding the Corporation: 1. Exhibit A-1 to A-4. Taken from http://venezuelafoia.info This is a website that is part in Spanish and part in English. At the end of the web page, A-4, they are claming to be under 501 (c)(3), and that they are supported entirely by private donations: This site is funded by the Venezuela Solidarity Committee/National Venezuela Solidarity Network ("VSC"), a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing accurate information about social and political developments in Venezuela. The VSC is funded entirely by private donations. For more information please contact: vscny@yahoo.com, or make your tax-exempt contribution through Paypal, e-mail or snailmail to keep this site running and to support VSC's other projects. I can verify that they take money via PayPal, because I made a nominal "donation" last year to see if it was true, and it was accepted. (Contact me if necessary) 2. On page http://www.venezuelafoia.info/HowYouCanHelpVenezuela3.doc you can download a form-letter (Exhibit B) where it says "For tax-deductible donations, make checks payable to Venezuela Solidarity Committee" 3. Exhibit "C" is a letter from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in response to my written request on January 3rd, in which I solicited the IRS a copy of the Exemption Application and the Letter of Determination for Venezuela Solidarity Committee, and this is part of the response: WE HAVE NO RECORD THAT THE ORGANIZATION IS A TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATION UNDER 501(a) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE BY VIRTUE OF AN APPROVED APPLICATION; THEREFORE, WE HAVE NO DOCUMENTS RESPONSIVE TO YOUR REQUEST. 4. Exhibit "D" is obtained from the New York Department of State with information regarding the Corporation in which Eva Golinger shows as a representative. 5. The domain name venezuelafoia.info is registered under Jeremy Bigwood (Exhibit "E") Regarding the Individual: His name is Jeremy Bigwood, and has a website at http://jeremybigwood.net copy which I have marked as Exhibit "F". I bring the attention to this, because of his promotion of the Corporation: 1) Mr. Bigwood is the Registrant, the Administrative Contact, the Billing Contact, and the Tech contact for the domain name venezuelafoia.info, ( Exhibit "E") in which we found Venezuela Solidarity Committee claiming their tax exempt status, for which, as we said before, the IRS seems to have no record of that condition. 2) On the left hand side of this website, there is a link to Venezuelafoia.info , which is precisely the page for the Corporation that we have just referenced above (Venezuela Solidarity Committee) |